Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med engelsk bog

Specifikationer for Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med engelsk bog

  • Brand: Discovery
  • Model: Sky T60
  • Type: Refractor telescope
  • Aperture: 60mm
  • Focal length: 700mm
  • Focal ratio: f/11.7
  • Eyepieces: 20mm and 10mm
  • Finder scope: 5x24
  • Mount type: Altazimuth
  • Tripod: Adjustable, aluminum legs
  • Dimensions: 73cm x 18cm x 18cm
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
  • Accessories: Erecting eyepiece, moon filter, carrying case.
Siden er sidst opdateret d. 12/11/2024

Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med bog på engelsk

📝 Produktbeskrivelse

The Discovery Sky T60 telescope with book is a great choice for novice and young astronomers. The telescope features a 60mm aperture and a focal length of 700mm, which provide clear and bright views of the night sky. The lightweight and easy-to-use design makes it perfect for backyard stargazing, camping trips, and other outdoor adventures. The included book, "The Night Sky," provides a comprehensive guide to the stars and planets visible with the T60 telescope. This makes it easy for beginners to find and identify celestial objects. The telescope comes with a sturdy tripod, an easy-to-use altazimuth mount, and two eyepieces to provide different magnifications. With the Discovery Sky T60 telescope, anyone can experience the wonders of the universe.

💰 5 grunde til at købe Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med engelsk bog

Nem at bruge
Optimal til begyndere
Kan bruges både til astronomi og landskabsfotografering
Høj kvalitet til fornuftig pris
Bogen på engelsk er en ekstra bonus for engelsksprogede brugere.

✅ Fordele ved Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med engelsk bog

High-quality optics for clear and detailed views.
Easy setup and intuitive controls for beginners.
Comes with a comprehensive guidebook to aid in observation and identification.
Collapsible design for easy storage and transport.
Versatile usage for both terrestrial and astronomical observations.

⛔️ Ulemper ved Discovery Sky T60 teleskop med engelsk bog

Vanskeligt at transportere på grund af dens størrelse og vægt. Brug af manualen kan være udfordrende for nybegyndere på grund af sproglige barrierer.

🔎 Konklusion

The Discovery Sky T60 telescope with tripod is a great option for beginners or for those who are looking to get a powerful and affordable telescope. This telescope offers a 60mm objective lens and a 700mm focal length, which provides crisp and clear images of the night sky. It also comes with two eyepieces, a finder scope, and an equatorial mount with slow motion controls that allow for easy tracking and pointing of celestial objects. Additionally, the sturdy tripod provides a stable platform for viewing the stars and planets. While it may not be the most advanced telescope on the market, the Discovery Sky T60 is a solid choice for those looking to explore the wonders of the night sky without breaking the bank. All in all, the Discovery Sky T60 is a great option for those who are looking for a quality beginner's telescope that provides good value for the money.

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